The Taste of Ancient Knowledge
Viticulture in Sardinia has its roots in the mists of time, and where memory doesn't reach,
it's archaeological discoveries that bear witness to a past in which our ancestors, wisely,
undertook grape cultivation in a land particularly suited to it.
In this context, in the Planargia sub-region, northwest coast of Sardinia,
in the territory of Bosa, is the Masia Winery, which since 1964 has been picking up the baton of that world
linked to the cultivation of the vine, making itself the visceral custodian of those ancient knowledges,
wisely transmitted by the wisdom of that peasant world rich in folklore and traditions.

We don't use chemicals but only products and processing methods that are exclusively natural to protect the soil and health.

We accompany the best grapes toward the most natural expression of the raw material, the terroir and of a thousand-year-old tradition.

Our main goal is to produce wines
of the highest quality with
a very low yield compared
to the possible production.
Time, Silence and Patience.
The rich suggestions of Masia wines
are encapsulated in drops of simple pleasure.