Sustainability Supporters

  • Our Land
  • Organic wine

WE LOVE OUR LAND and do everything we can to deliver it INTACT TO FUTURE GENERATIONS.
That is why we strive to apply environmentally friendly practices and have an eye for environmental sustainability..

Vino Biologico

We support organic cultivation, excluding the use of herbicides for weed control and that of synthetic chemicals
for pest control. For you, this means being able to choose a healthy, good and honest product,
obtained without the use of synthetic chemicals or unnecessary additives.

Sustainability in the vineyard

The winery is surrounded by our vineyards: an ideal condition that allows us to immediately press the grapes,
preserving the characteristic aromas of the grape and the terroir at their best.
Fermentation and aging are carried out following organic wine protocols, in which synthetic chemicals
and invasive techniques are not allowed.

Our wines are also vegan: it means that in winemaking we don't use wine-making aids of animal origin
such as casein, albumin, isinglass or gelatin that can give problems to those who are allergic to milk protein,
eggs, fish, or for those who have chosen to have a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.

Sustainability in the winery

Having our own vineyards and personally following them with experience and expertise, both viticultural
and enological, is fundamental for us: it allows us to get grapes into the winery that don't need corrections additives
or tricks; it allows us to do prevention so we can use zero-impact winemaking techniques, since most of the work
is done by Mother Nature through organic farming techniques.

Our wines perfectly combine quality,
strong identity and belonging to the territory of production.

Organic Certification Organic Certification

We undertook from the very beginning a choice of sensitivity: to work the vineyards with the techniques
of certified organic viticulture, that is, through the application of various physical, rather than chemical, methods,
and the use of naturally biodegradable products from our own organic sources.
In addition, we do not carry out systemic pesticide treatments in the vineyard, we do not use dangerous herbicides,
and we have decided to have our efforts recognized through checks by internationally recognized bodies.

Vinification by hand

The main techniques we employ are:

Fertilization with pomace that has been properly seasoned so that it becomes fertile humus.
They consist of the skins and seeds of organic grapes pressed in the previous harvest,
thus returning them to mother earth;

Maintenance in the rows of a long controlled grass lawn with different species,
which naturally nourish the vines, protect the soil, water and combat weeds;

• Physical weed eradication;

Copper and sulfur: they are used to control fungal attacks.
Unlike our ancestors, today we employ technologies to maximize their efficiency.


and its origins