Great wines tell
wonderful stories

Daddy Pino's first steps

Masia winery took its first steps in 1964 when Pino Masia, a man of immense culture as well as a great lover of local traditions, bought a plot of land of about 1 hectare in Campeda, territory of Bosa.
Years of great ferment, in which Pino planted his first vineyard and purchased winemaking equipment.

The vineyard is made according to local tradition, using the "sa sardisca" method: plants raised in the "sapling" style
with a central brace, represented by a cane to support the vegetation. It plants some local varieties including a selection
of traditional red grapes, moscato, girò and malvasia, with a very high planting density, obtaining very narrow spaces, which is why all the work was done manually.

Grandma Luigina

Meanwhile, Pino continued to ply his trade and, being a tour guide, traveled throughout Europe. During his extended absences away from Bosa it was his mother, Luigina, who oversaw the running of the vineyard. A woman of character and meticulous, she was responsible for coordinating the workings of the vineyard and herself saw to the procuct sale.

Pino Masia

Daddy Pino

Via Carmine Bosa

Vico Tendas

Grandma Luigina

Grandma Luigina

The years of growth

Over time the passion grew and in the early 1970s Pino, together with a childhood friend partner,
buys another property of about 14 hectares called Lacos, in the territory of Bosa.
The new land includes mainly olive groves, and the two planted about one hectare of traditional red grapes and girò,
a red dessert wine; about one and a half hectares went to Malvasia and Moscato.

The wine produced is sold at a winery that Pino, meanwhile, had bought in the historic center of Bosa,
on Via del Carmine: the old "Carrela 'e Tendas," that is, the street of stores. These were years of great growth,
in which production exceeded 60 hectoliters of Malvasia and over 30 hectoliters of red wine.


The Family

In 1970, Pino married Peppetta and from their happy union, three children were born, Francesco 1971, Emanuele 1972 and Luigi 1980. The family's life flows marked by the rhythm of the countryside where, on an annual basis, the most important event is the grape harvest. It's a moment shrouded in an aura of sacredness where, in addition to hard work, a set of traditions and festivities are grafted on that make this rite special.

Luigi's passion

In this bucolic atmosphere, the youngest son Luigi absorbed like a sponge the teachings of his father Pino and, since he began to become aware of the world around him, decided that the countryside would be his life mission, his passion. Since childhood, besides studying and playing sports, Luigi spends his free time in the vineyard together with his dad and mom, acquiring important notions that will come in handy in the future, in what will become his career field.

So it was that, having finished high school, he enrolled in the faculty of agriculture at the prestigious Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza and, once he graduated, at the age of twenty-four he made the courageous decision to return to his homeland to devote body and soul to his passion: viticulture. Hard years, of great sacrifices, which combined with an immense passion allow him to overcome the difficulties and move forward on his own path.

A very strong connection with the territory,
starting with Malvasia wine and ending with the enhancement
of our land through its specificities.

The foundations

In 2008 he replanted the Campeda vineyard all to Malvasia; in 2009 he rented part of the Lacos property,
where in addition to the vineyards he also took care of the centuries-old olive grove and, for pleasure, was involved
in vegetable production, as there were natural springs on the property.

Right from the start, Luigi sought to give an eco-sustainable imprint to his productions, recovering the old varieties
cultivated since ancient times
in the Bosa area. He talks to elderly farmers who had handed down their knowledge
from generation to generation
: a millenary knowledge made up of good agronomic and winemaking practices.
Thanks to these notions, the company is the only one among the bottling wineries to obtain certification
for an organic management system


The breakthrough

It's time of great sacrifices, but also of new encounters that give rise to great projects.
Luigi meets Franca, a Barbagia native from Dorgali. In her he finds that great passion for Sardinian culture
and new lifeblood to give an extraordinary boost to the company. The two marry; from this union two children will be born.

Business takes shape; in 2019 he creates a small winemaking workshop with resale in the small family winery and, finally,
in 2020 Luigi realizes the dream of a lifetime: the first Masia label is born. It's the Malvasia di Bosa DOC.

Despite the difficult period afflicting all mankind due to the Covid pandemic, Masia's first wine finds considerable
sales success and especially great appreciation from customers, also helped by simple but impactful packaging.


New productions

From this emotional drive in 2023, two new labels saw the light of day: the red wine Moroìdda, the result of a careful selection of local red grape varieties; and His Majesty Malvasia di Bosa DOC in the RESERVE type:
a worldwide unicum, produced by a special method called "oxidative".

Production involves aging the Malvasia for a minimum of two years in chestnut barrels, left specially drained
to give life to the magic of the "flor" yeasts, which are completely natural.
Only from grapes produced on the estate, very low yields — about 20 quintals per hectare — practicing the
organic system in the field and with minimal intervention in the cellar respecting the ancient methods of winemaking.

Also in 2023, in a move to expand, the company acquired another property bordering the historic Campeda vineyard.
This is where the new project starts: to plant a mixed vineyard with old local varieties, in "sa sardisca" way.
Just as dad Pino did sixty years earlier.

Today Pino, now 94 years old, enjoys the credit of having managed to pass on to his descendants his great knowledge and passion for the world of viticulture; and we are proud to have embarked on this path while safeguarding
the wonderful environment that surrounds us.

The future, we're sure, always comes through the past.